Thursday, December 15, 2016

He is here! (as of three weeks ago...)

As you may have notice I’ve neglected the ol’ Blog and Grill a little bit lately, but those of you with even the most rudimentary powers of deduction can probably figure out why that is. My son is born! 

Donovan Douglas Wiles entered the world on November 20th at 3:09 a.m. at 8lbs 0.01 oz and 21.5 inches, I think, I’ll have to check. After three days in the hospital and a grueling 17 hours of labor, my wife and I became parents.

Now that I’ve had him for a few weeks I can confirm a few things. I forgot who told me this, or if it was even something a friend said or something I read somewhere, but having a child is both the most difficult and the best thing I’ve ever done. My life is no longer my own, but in the best of all possible ways. The time I spend caring for him when he’s fussy or screaming, changing diapers and fixing bottles, can be a chore but not in the way that I’ve viewed chores before, as something I need to do and get through and finish to get back to the things I want to do, like writing or farting around on the internet or finding some way of wasting my time. It’s a necessity the way my basic biological imperatives are; caring for him is as natural as breathing or eating or sleeping, the things we do because we have to but we don’t mind or resent.

Okay, I’m both rambling and digressing, probably because it’s almost three in the morning and I’m only half paying attention to what I’m writing and mostly listening out for his fuss because he’s due to wake up again any minute. I’ll get back to his birth, at least a little bit. I don’t want to share a linear narrative of his birth story, both because that’s such a personal, vulnerable time and, with the exception of the very end, frankly a pretty fucking miserable one, and most of all because my mind isn’t working very linearly right now. I mean, it never is, but now less than ever. And this blog is less about telling stories and more about sharing thoughts and jotting down memories that I can revisit later.

In that spirit, here’s a few things that for me will always and forever remind me of the time that my wife gave birth to a child. First of all, Dunkin Donuts has this sweet black pepper bacon sandwich thingy that I tried for the first time the first morning I spent in the hospital, when I left to run out to Cumby’s for a coffee for Kaite. I like it a lot, and I got I think two more each of the following subsequent mornings. Since we got back from the hospital they’ve been advertising the shit out of that thing, and every time I see the commercial I remember that anticipatory excitement of driving back to the hospital, knowing that any day now, any hour now, it would happen.

By the way, if you are Dunkin Donuts or Cumby’s, you’re welcome for that free product placement.
Next, we have Adam Sandler and Adam Sandler starring as twins in “Jack and Jill,” no doubt the worst movie I’ve ever not-really-seen as it played with the sound off in the background once the labor really began. Actually whatever channel it was set to played a number of terrible movies one after the other, but this was the one that really kicked off that marathon of shit. And so for the rest of my life, whenever I see Adam Sandler in drag, I will remember the seventeen tortured hours I spent helplessly watching my wife in the worst pain of her life.

And finally (probably not really finally, but it’s nice to do these things in threes) Hitmonlee. Like the rest of the universe I don’t even really play Pokemon Go anymore because it just became such a grind towards nothing, but I fired it up a few times in the hospital waiting for the induction to take an labor to begin. The morning after Donovan’s arrival Kaite sent me out for chapstick, and while I was waiting in line with a stick of Burt’s Bees in hand (again, if you’re reading this, Burt, you’re welcome) I launched that app and hatched a Hitmonlee. Obviously it was… not the most significant thing I received that day, but now whenever I encounter a long-legged Pokemon with rubber bands up and down his arms I’ll remember that exhausted pride and anticipatory excitement I felt as I paid the gas station clerk and thought about everything that was still to come for the three of us.

Okay, that’s good for now. He’s starting to still again, and I need to hand him off to Kaite for her shift. I have to get up early tomorrow for my dentist appointment before work.